Things that make me happy!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A sigh of relief, and some tears...

Here is Julia all dressed up and ready for her second day of school. Yes, her second day. On her first day, my camera batteries were dead! A scrapbooking mom's worst nightmare! ;) Her first day went well other than that. No tears on her part, just mine. This morning (second day) she clung to me and didn't want me to leave, didn't want to stay, but a sweet little girl in her class sat next to her and seemed to change her mind. I guess it will take time, and it will get easier for both of us.


Graziela said...

Aw, she looks adorable! This little girl that sat next to her may end being her best friend. <3 I bet she's excited to tell you all about her day once she gets home. Now that she's in school, what are you doing with your time? You need to check out a "first day of school" picture I pinned, it's a really cute idea.

Wendy said...

She can't be in school already!!! Weren't we just visiting you in the!?