Things that make me happy!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

More Julia...

Usually when I go in to get Julia out of bed in the mornings, she is sitting and playing with her stuffed animals. This morning for the first time, this is how she was waiting for me!

When I'm working in the kitchen, Julia likes to "help". She has her own drawer in the kitchen filled with bowls and utensils that she plays with.

Finally I captured her teeth on camera! It wasn't easy getting just the right smile so that her teeth were showing, but there they are - two little bottom teeth.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Time Flies

Over a month already since I last blogged. How time flies! Julia is changing so quickly. She is now the proud owner of TWO teeth. And she is a crawling maniac! She has also learned how to pull herself up to a standing position holding on to furniture.

Standing up!

I bought her a happy face balloon... Her smile rivals the balloon's.

Getting right into her toys... literally - one day she climbed right into her toy basket!

Our mobile little girl has made it necessary to put a gate at the top of the stairs already.

Since she doesn't like to be "confined" to one place anymore, Julia has found a new use for the exersaucer.

Our vegetable garden is mostly planted now. We're trying a few new things this year: corn, spaghetti squash, and a blueberry bush! Not sure what kind of crops we'll get, but it's fun to try new things.

Now I am concentrating on trying to beautify the yard with flowers in the beds and in pots.

Deciding what to plant...

Helping Mom water the flower we just planted. (Gerbera daisies are one of my favourites!)