Things that make me happy!

Friday, October 31, 2008

First Halloween (that counts)

Our Little Pumpkin!


Anonymous said...

boo hoo....i would have loved to see her come to our door! She looks so cute~ I can see that you live somewhere else because of all the very different species of tree leaves on the ground. Real maple leaves...maybe a few oak that i see...sniff. Miss u guys


Anonymous said...

That's the cutest pumpkin I ever saw!! Thanks for showing us a new pic too!!

Graziela said...

Aw, how adorable! How did she do with the costume and hat? Did you take her trick or treating?

P.S. Can't wait to see some FIRST birthday pics!

Sharon said...

Julia was really good in the costume; it didn't faze her a bit, except for the hat, which she pulled off a few times. We didn't take her anywhere except to Grandma & Grandpa's. We really only dressed her up to take pictures! :-)

Anonymous said...

Very cute, but um, isn't it actually her second Halloween???