Things that make me happy!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Just a little update to let y'all know how we're doing...

At the beginning of the month, I was having some pretty severe cramps. I went to the doctor and EVERYTHING IS FINE but as a precaution, he put me on "light duty". No vacuuming, mopping, squatting, or hands & knees activities. Also no gardening! That is the worst. There is so much weeding to be done, pruning, harvesting, etc... it's torture to not be able to get in there and do it!

Ryan's son, JF, is here visiting for July... what can I say about that? I wish Ryan had more time off work, as I am not the best company for a thirteen-year-old boy. :-)

Ryan's job is going well... it's so nice to have him living at home and working in town!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, whaddya think, should we get Tim and JF together next week? U can come and hang, or stay home and relax...whatever you'd like. The boys will do whatever, video games, shoot hoops in my back yard...let me know!
