Things that make me happy!

Sunday, May 27, 2007


It's in!
It's done! The garden is planted! Whew!
Thank you so much, Mel! This year we are doing a co-op garden. Melissa doesn't have the space in her yard, and I don't have the inclination to do an entire garden by myself. So we planted everything together, we'll take turns weeding, and we'll share the bounty! This year we will be sharing: turnips, snow peas, 3 varieties of beans, 2 varieties of onions, radishes, spinach, 2 varieties of lettuce, 2 varieties of carrots, zucchini, potatoes, 3 varieties of tomatoes, cucumber, and (hopefully) a watermelon or two! Not to mention the raspberries and rhubarb that are already there. And maybe even some plums from the tree?


Melissa said...

It was SOO much fun!!

Hopefully the harvest will be as much fun, hey? :)

Watermelon would be the cat's meow - that would be so amazing if we actually got a melon. I'd be so tickled!!

You mentioned plums...maybe we could get plums from the apple tree! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's a lot of stuff. Sure hope it all does well for you; the garden will be so full there won't be room for weeds! Perhaps if you check other gardens in the neighbourhood as you wander the back alleys, you should take note of how sweetcorn does. That's the only thing I would have recommended that you didn't mention. Oh, and what about cucumbers? Great work, though1 Dad

Graziela said...

Wow! Lots of yummy stuff to look forward to.

Looks like Melissa and Ryan will be busy harvesting the garden ;)

In the mean time- Sharon sits at her new patio set sipping some iced tea because she's too hot, tired, and uncomfortable to do any gardening.


Sharon said...

You got it, Griz! The timing was no mistake; I got it all planned. ;-)