When we moved into this house, we soon found out all the little oddities that one finds in a new place. This house turned out to be lacking in the lighting department. Like, most of the rooms don't have any! The previous owner was kind enough to leave the ugly swag lights so we didn't have to stumble around in the dark, but they have been an irritant to my sense of esthetics since day one. But unfortunately, low on the priority list for change since beauty is not a requirement for functionality.
This smoked glass beauty was over the table in the dining area. Hard to believe anything could make it even uglier, but the energy saving bulb seemed to do just that!
This one graced the corner in Julia's bedroom.
Poor little girl!
And this one was in the living room. One of the first things that draws the eye when you come into the house. Ugh!
Now, on my own, I never would have had a clue what to do with these other than scour garage sales until I found lamps to replace them. But I do like the idea of swags rather than table or floor lamps... they're just a great space saver, and they are up and out of the way of the rambunctious 3 year old. So thank goodness my friend Griz has recently been posting all kinds of redecorating ideas! Here is the one that inspired me.
And here are the results of that inspiration!
This big blanc beauty is now in Julia's room. Someday when I redo her room, I might add some flowers or butterflies or something to this shade...
Love it!!
And this square one is proudly catching eyes in the living room. I used an old linen-type material bag I had to make a cover for the ugly cord & chain. I adore this treatment!
So what do you think?
Love 'em or hate 'em?
SHARON!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! You did an awesome job! Don't you just love those DIY blogs? It's so rewarding and exciting, I bet you're looking around your house trying to figure out what's next? You totally need to send a link to the Thrifty Decor Chick, Sarah! She would be so happy to know that your re-do was inspired by her. It looks so much better, I bet Ryan was impressed by it too!
BTW, Love the square shade, so modern!
Looks great! I really like the chain cover you made!
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