Here she is helping make supper. Actually helping, not just playing around! She was cutting up the wieners for that old family favourite, Saucy Franks. Yummy.
Here she is dressed up for Halloween. She loved being a little ladybug with wings, antennas and a wand! Sure, a ladybug can have a ladybug wand. Why not? :)
(I loved that her costume came from the dollar store!)

Ah! One of the many reasons I love having a little girl! Of course the only way she'll sit still enough for this is if I let her watch cartoons on the computer.
And here are a few of my favourite "Julia-isms":
"TIME OUT!" -shrieked very loudly on the bus after I told her to sit still and don't move. I guess that's also what I tell her when I put her in the time-out chair...
"I LOVE it!" -said about many things, including doggy doo on the sidewalk.
"Come on, come on! Aren't you coming?!" -tugging on a hand in the direction she wants to go. She's very persuasive.
"Pachyderm" -name given to her stuffed elephant, after hearing Daddy refer to an elephant as a pachyderm.
"Thank you Lord for food" -sung while playing with her doll. Her prayers often include giving thanks for everyone we know, and movies.
1 comment:
What an adorable ladybug!
She looks so grown-up now.
Love Auntie Neat
PS. I love Saucy Franks, too!
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