Last week we celebrated our 11th anniversary. We got a babysitter and left Julia for the first time! We had a lovely dinner at Matahari (Asian cuisine), walked Whyte Ave, browsed Chapters, and went for coffee. It was lovely to spend an evening as a couple. And Julia had a great time at home playing with Maggie and Barry.
Julia's latest: Four teeth. Eating everything we eat. Babbling a mile a minute. Cruising (walking holding onto furniture). Walking pushing a chair or stool. Busy, busy, busy!
Trying to see what is in the birdbath...

Yes, she did manage to rock it enough that she got to find out! She didn't mind the splash of water on her head though.

She sure likes water. Here she is in her "pool" (a garbage can lid!). Poor thing! Maybe we should just buy a baby pool, eh?!

Lounging against Dad in a most unladylike fashion, with her dress up around her waist!

Enjoying spaghetti. I think she looks like me in this picture - or at least how I looked when I was little.

Waiting and watching for Daddy coming home from work.

oh she's so beautiful. I love that little baby to bits! Squeeze her for me!
Thanks for the update!
Julia's SUCH a cutie - looks like she's got a lot of red in her hair!
Enjoy these precious days - they fly by so quickly.
Can't wait to meet her in person. Soon?
Love Auntie Neata
Oooohhh, she's just such a cutie! Great pics, Sharon. I love the kiddie pool!
Happy Anniversary! Glad to hear you had a lovely evening out together.
barb falk
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