Well, sort of. Almost. We have a vehicle... I just can't drive it yet! It's standard, and I have never driven a standard in my life until today! After a half hour lesson (and about 5 stalls), I can get the thing started and into first gear! It's gonna take a few more lessons before I can actually drive somewhere where there's other traffic... The good news is that even with Ryan trying to teach me how to drive, our marriage is still intact! :-)
Yes, the picture is of the actual vehicle we bought. Great shape, runs well, good deal. It feels weird to have a vehicle after all this time (over a year!) without one.
Looks like a great vehicle, but the age of it is scarey, as is the idea of you learning to drive a stick shift, Sharon. However, you're our kid, you're not a klutz, so I guess you'll learn. We are really glad that you are mobile again, and we hope it's a convenient vehicle for putting a baby seat into!
You'll get the hang of it Sharon, at first it can be a little nerve racking but you'll be fine. You guys need to drive out into the counrty so you could practice. Also, if you could find some little hills here and there, that would be good.
LOL!! Your dad said you're not a klutz????!!!???? What's up with that!! Is he sure he has the right daughter?
And yes...hey! I have e-mail access from Victoria! But, I must run - things are good - we're relaxing...dealing with house stuff...I'm working out LOTS...sleeping LOTS....
What??? If you're a Poortinga you might be creative, but co-ordinated??? NOT!!! There's a reason the rest of the family drives automatics. GOOD LUCK!!!
Looks like a great vehicle, but the age of it is scarey, as is the idea of you learning to drive a stick shift, Sharon. However, you're our kid, you're not a klutz, so I guess you'll learn. We are really glad that you are mobile again, and we hope it's a convenient vehicle for putting a baby seat into!
Perfect for those harsh Edmonton winters! Hehe
You'll get the hang of it Sharon, at first it can be a little nerve racking but you'll be fine. You guys need to drive out into the counrty so you could practice. Also, if you could find some little hills here and there, that would be good.
Congrats you guys!
LOL!! Your dad said you're not a klutz????!!!???? What's up with that!! Is he sure he has the right daughter?
And yes...hey! I have e-mail access from Victoria! But, I must run - things are good - we're relaxing...dealing with house stuff...I'm working out LOTS...sleeping LOTS....
Must run!
Much love,
What??? If you're a Poortinga you might be creative, but co-ordinated??? NOT!!! There's a reason the rest of the family drives automatics. GOOD LUCK!!!
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